

Your business is built on the performance of your machines, and it’s important that you have complete control over the way that they work for you.

Developments in technology now mean that managing your equipment is easier and more effective. Advanced machine diagnostics, tracking and analysis allow you to keep track of your fleet from one centralised point, as well as when you’re on the move.

By using linked technology to monitor the position and status of your machines, you can predict downtime and wastage so that you get the very best from your staff and equipment.


In order to build a business that lasts, you need every part of your operation to be working at maximum efficiency. From machines to staff, the only way to succeed is to be certain that everyone is giving their all.

Our Productivity package is designed to help you analyse and enhance operational practices that directly affect your bottom line. The crucial real-time data gathered from your machines means you can take actions to boost performance across the board.

You can use data from your machines to tell whether or not you are working at full capacity. Whether you need to understand fuel use or plan maintenance, this is the package for you.


Apart from having devastating consequences for your staff and their families, worksite accidents can have serious repercussions for your business.

Accidents happen, but with the right technology and systems in place you can avoid serious loss and downtime. Create a safer, more-profitable working environment by investing in technology that has your best interests at heart.

Detection technology and remote solutions help your operators to ensure that the space around their machines is safe, reducing the risk of injury and costly accidents.


Being an environmentally-conscious business is about more than waste disposal – it’s about using the most effective equipment and practices available to reduce your impact.

You need current, practical solutions to ensure that you comply with best practice guidelines and limit the negative consequences of heavy industry.

That’s why we’ve created the Sustainability package – a technologically-driven solution to help you succeed in an ethical way.

Digital compliance and terrain assessment technology mean you can not only operate more effectively, but also makes compliance and environmental impact monitoring simpler.
